
Daemon for Scroll pHat, built with Go

Primary LanguageGo

Go daemon for Pimoroni Scroll pHat

With this daemon, you can scroll strings on your Pimoroni Scroll pHat through command line or Telegram messages.


$ go get -d github.com/meinside/scroll-daemon
$ go get github.com/meinside/scroll-daemon/cmd/scroll-cli

and build daemon:

$ cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/meinside/scroll-daemon
$ go build


Config file

$ cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/meinside/scroll-daemon
$ cp config.json.sample config.json
$ vi config.json

and edit values to yours:

	"api_token": "0123456789:abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwyz-x-0a1b2c3d4e",
	"local_port": 59991,
	"available_ids": [
	"phat_brightness": 5,
	"phat_scroll_delay": 75,
	"phat_rotate_180degrees": false,
	"telegram_monitor_interval": 1,
	"is_verbose": false


$ sudo cp systemd/scroll-daemon.service /lib/systemd/system/
$ sudo vi /lib/systemd/system/scroll-daemon.service

and edit User, Group, WorkingDirectory and ExecStart values.

It will launch automatically on boot with:

$ sudo systemctl enable scroll-daemon.service

and will start with:

$ sudo systemctl start scroll-daemon.service

Send messages/commands through Telegram


Send messages/commands through command line

# scroll current time
$ scroll-cli -t

# scroll ip addresses
$ scroll-cli -i

# scroll a long message
$ scroll-cli "show me the money $$$"
$ scroll-cli `uname -a`
