
A pure NodeJS BDD testing framework based on quangv's mocha-cakes project

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Mocha Cakes 2

Mocha Cakes is a Gherkin/Cucumber syntax integration for the Mocha testing framework.



npm install --save-dev mocha-cakes-2


You need to specify mocha-cakes-2 as a mocha integration by adding the option --ui mocha-cakes-2 to your mocha command:

mocha --ui mocha-cakes-2 path/to/my/tests

You can also specify it in your mocha.opts file:

--ui mocha-cakes-2

Feature('Some feature', () => {

  Scenario('Some Scenario', () => {

    let number = 2;

    Given('a number', () => {
    And('that number is 2', () => {

    When('adding 40', () => {
      number += 40;

    Then('the number should be 42', () => {

The result will look something like this:

The common Mocha functions (describe, it, before, after, etc) are also available and can be used together with Mocha Cakes.

Upgrading from version 1.x

Replace the require('mocha-cakes-2') statement(s) with the --ui mocha-cakes-2 option as described above.


The Mocha Cakes integration adds the following functions to the global scope:

  • Feature | feature
    • Scenario | scenario
      • Given | given
      • When | when
      • Then | then
      • And | and
      • But | but


Skips a test clause. Works on all test functions.

Feature('Some feature', () => {

  Scenario.skip('Skipped scenario', () => {
    // ...

  Scenario('Ordinary', () => {
    // ...


Only run the specified test clause. Works on all test functions.

Feature('Some feature', () => {

  Scenario('First scenario', () => {
    // ...

  Scenario('Second scenario', () => {
    // ...

  Scenario.only('Only I will run!', () => {
    // ...

  // ...


Mocha Cakes 2 is heavily influenced by quangv's mocha-cakes.