
Google apps scripts to support the GDI course

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Author: meisterluk
Date: 11.10.14
state:shut down in 2013
Version: 1.1.0approved
license:LGPL v3.0

Task assignment

gdit_docs is a domain-specific script collection to support tutors using Google Docs during the course.

This project was shut down in 2013, because of a change in infrastructure.

  • old spreadsheets are templates #done
  • optional fields for point penalties including commentary possibility #done
  • Export for TUG Online is essential (but only data "GRADE") #done
  • Evaluation of tutors has to be done in spreadsheets and should be supported in that #done
  • Each tutor has its own sandbox and cannot access other's spreadsheets #done
  • 3 task sheets for students #done
  • Possibility to search for data of a particular student by name or matrnr. (eg. which group is he in?) #done
  • optional update functionality #failed

Additional ones by myself

  • local backup of all data must be possible #partial
  • Manuals #done
  • filter students without any submission #withdrawn
  • hide marking scheme of second exercise for first tutor talk #partial
  • same marks for both students of 1 group #failed

greets, meisterluk

[0] http://semver.org/