
Sample project for reactive server side rendering

Primary LanguageJava

Thymeleaf / Reactive Demo

This project is a baseline to play around with some reactive features of the upcoming Spring and Thymeleaf releases.

Nothing fancy here except the use of:

  1. WebClient from spring-webflux

  2. Flux / Mono from projectreator

  3. The latest Thymeleaf Milestone release to enable the reactive parts (Server-Side Events)


The application retrieves data from the StarWars API and renders it in a table declared in a Thymeleaf template. Additional there is a /crawl endpoint to retrieve a locally created flux (with simulated delay).

Running the app

The app has no custom port configured and will run on http://localhost:8080. To start the app just type ./mvnw spring-boot:run in the commandline.