Face Mask Detector

A face mask detector built with Deep Learning and OpenCV

About this project

Objectives of this project are to build a detector to detect whether a person is wearing a mask and further evaluate the performance of this detector.

This detector is built using PyTorch, transfer learning is implemented with model from FaceBoxes: A CPU Real-time Face Detector with High Accuracy and evaluation of the model performance is performed using mAP (mean Average Precision)



pip install pytorch 
pip install opencv-python

Python 3.8.5, PyTorch v1.5.0 and OpenCV v4.0.1 are used.

To do transfer learning, pre-trained model can be downloaded here and place this in pretrained_model/ folder. This pretrained-model is shared by authors of FaceBoxes in their repo.


Annotated datasets can be downloaded from AIZOOTech, data are downloadable in both GoogleDrive and BaiduDisk.


Navigate to face_mask_detector/ then run:

python train.py


To evaluate the trained model, run:

python evaluate_detector.py 

Performance of model

The model is evaluated using mAP evaluation metrics alt text