This repository contains a functional code composed by Matlab and bash codes for Interbeat-interval (IBI), Heart-rate (HR) calculation, and HRV metrics from an artifactual Blood Volume Pulse (BVP) signal, and a corresponding accelerometer. Please refer to our paper from EUSIPCO 2016 Torres, J. M. M., Ghosh, A., Stepanov, E. A., & Riccardi, G. (2016, August). Heal-t: An efficient ppg-based heart-rate and ibi estimation method during physical exercise. In 2016 24th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO) (pp. 1438-1442). IEEE.



This repository contains a functional code composed by Matlab and bash codes for Interbeat-interval (IBI), Heart-rate (HR) calculation, and HRV metrics from an artifactual Blood Volume Pulse (BVP) signal, and a corresponding accelerometer. Please refer to our paper from EUSIPCO 2016 Torres, J. M. M., Ghosh, A., Stepanov, E. A., & Riccardi, G. (2016, August). Heal-t: An efficient ppg-based heart-rate and ibi estimation method during physical exercise. In 2016 24th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO) (pp. 1438-1442). IEEE.

HEAL-T: An Efficient PPG based Heart-Rate and IBI Estimation During Physical Exercise

Photoplethysmography (PPG) is a simple, unobtrusive and low-cost technique for measuring blood volume pulse (BVP) used in heart-rate (HR) estimation. However, PPG based heart-rate monitoring devices are often affected by motion artifacts in on-the-go scenarios, and can yield a noisy BVP signal reporting erroneous HR values. Recent studies have proposed spectral decomposition techniques (e.g. M-FOCUSS, Joint-Sparse-Spectrum) to reduce motion artifacts and increase HR estimation accuracy, but at the cost of high computationalload. The singular-value-decomposition and recursive calculations present in these approaches are not feasible for the implementation in real-time continuous-monitoring scenarios. In this paper, we propose an efficient HR estimation method based on a combination of fast-ICA, RLS and BHW filter stages that avoids sparse signal reconstruction, while maintaining a high HR estimation accuracy. The proposed method outperforms the state-of-the-art systems on the publicly available TROIKA data-set.

Getting Started

HEAL-T application can be executed in bash following the command:

 sh runHEALT.sh DATA_PATH NAME_OUTPUT_folder METHOD_SELECTOR FS Fp1 Fz1 Fp2 Fz2 inc1 inc2 overlap WIN S_sel-"always 1" fileo.out MATLAB_PATH

or - if DATA_PATH will be the same output path*

 sh runHEALT.sh DATA_PATH METHOD_SELECTOR FS Fp1 Fz1 Fp2 Fz2 inc1 inc2 overlap WIN S_sel fileo.out MATLAB_PATH


  1. Please open matlab command window prompt and execute
  1. Now you can run
heal_t_call(DATA_PATH,NAME_OUTPUT_folder,METHOD_SELECTOR,FS,{[Fp1 Fz1],[Fp2 Fz2]},[inc1,inc2],overlap,WIN,S_sel);
  1. You can see the same notifications that appears in the log file from bash but in this case from the command window. (Please see below)


Before running this code be sure adding the following dependencies folders in the thirdparty directory

  1. eeglab: in this code we only used runica functions - please do the same, subsequently download the last eeglabversion from https://sccn.ucsd.edu/eeglab/downloadtoolbox.php
  2. MFOCUSS: This code library calculate a sparse spectrum reconstruction for stationary signals, download this from Zhiling Zhang code repository http://dsp.ucsd.edu/~zhilin/Software.html

Built With

  • MATLAB > R2016a
  • bash

Running the tests

The input parameters should be set as follow:
1.DATA_PATH: the folder path that will be processed heal_t_call.m *
2. NAME_OUTPUT_folder : ibifolder selection based on the method 0-> IBIHEALPEAK 1-> ibi.txt *
3. METHOD_SELECTOR : 0 -> EMBC method 1 -> new HEAL-T method *
4. SAMPLING FREQUENCY (FS): sampling frequency value (synchronize BVP with Accel) [Hz].
5. Fp1 (Hz) low cut-off first filter BHW [Hz].
6. Fz1 (Hz) high cut-off first filter BHW [Hz].
7. Fp2 (Hz) low cut-off second filter BHW [Hz].
8. Fz2 (Hz) high cut-off second filter BHW [Hz].
9. inc1 filter one (Hz)
10. inc2 filter two (Hz)
11. overlap per each BVP segment (sec or percentage)
12. windows size (WIN) BVP segment (sec or number of windows)
13. spline selection (S_sel) BVP segment (sec or number of windows)
14. file.out : name of the nohup output file
15. MATLAB_PATH: this is the matlab binary path defined by user (i.e., in Matlab /usr/local/../bin/matlab and in mac /Applications/Matlab.../bin/matlab)


Take into accoun the folder tree description:

Main -> main code, i.e, pwd or a folder that includes .m

functionsHR -> auxiliary functions for HR processing and some functions necessary from MFOCUSS baseline evaluation and the first HEAL-T using time overlap

Data -> defined by user

eeglab -> appears in thirdparty folder please unzip it before run the code (i.e. EEGlab ICA)

You can run the HEAL-T code based on this bash command:

   sh runHEALT.sh DATA_FOLDER 0 1 32 0.7 2.5 0.7 3.5 0 0 1 50 10 fileo.out MATLAB_PATH

Your input BVP and ACC files with the corresponding time series should be included in your Data folder as:

  1. bvp.txt
  2. acc.txt

bvp and acc files with the input time series must contain at least 2 columns (one -> unix_time, second->non-normalized values). In case of the accelerometer the file should include the time column and the three axis columns [t ; x ; y ; z] in this order. You can create this as a custom csv file delimited by colon.

** OUTPUT: outputfile will be generated in the given log folder, with the name and the ID of each process as prefix

The Outputs files structure

The output files will be formatted as follows_

  1. The average HR output file will be a .csv file with with three columns: Col1: window time [index], Col2: HR [bpm], and Col3: HR smooth [bpm]

  2. The output file containing the IBI peak-to-peak will be another .csv file with three columns Col1: Time [s] (take into account your sample frequency), Col2: HR values [bpm] , Col3: HR smoothed values [bpm] (after Smoothing spline).


Please review the output in the log folder and you can check the following items when the script runs successfully:

  • The code is capable to read inputs when the log folder is already updated by the corresponding method ("File Exist!" string appears)
  • Code will end when the string "Process PID has ended successfully" appears.

Note1: change the DATA_PATH as you desire : please take into account that inside this folder you should have a file called bvp.txt in which you should define your bvp with the same parameters and instructions explained above

Note2: Please run this code from the main directory and any input, data, or output data folder should be defined by user respecting the folder tree.

Some outputs time-series calculated from ICASSP2015 cup (http://archive.signalprocessingsociety.org/community/sp-cup/ieee-sp-cup-2015/) data are:

alt text alt text

The Bland-Altman plots obtained from the ICASSP2015 data were:

alt text alt text


Please read the paper Torres, J. M. M., Ghosh, A., Stepanov, E. A., & Riccardi, G. (2016, August). Heal-t: An efficient ppg-based heart-rate and ibi estimation method during physical exercise. In 2016 24th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO) (pp. 1438-1442). IEEE (https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7760486) for more details


  • Juan Manuel Mayor Torrres, Arindam Ghosh, Evgeny Stepanov, and Giuseppe Riccardi

See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


see the LICENCE.md file for details


University of Trento - Signals and Interactive Sistems Lab members and alumni (http://sisl.disi.unitn.it/)