When using zoomSnap and zoomDelta, a seamline is present
mejackreed opened this issue · 8 comments
Tracking upstream here: Leaflet/Leaflet#3575
The fix described in https://github.com/Leaflet/Leaflet.TileLayer.NoGap unfortunately does not work.
I've also noticed that some tile sources work as expected (no seam) while others present the seam:
No seam
No seam
It looks inconspicuous because it is the same color.
You can see some seam lines on the captured image.
And how about this info.json ? (the bottom of the list shown below)
Thanks for the comment. I see the seam in your video, but still cannot find it locally.
However, on https://dzkimgs.l.u-tokyo.ac.jp/iiifimgs/zuzoubu/02/0002.tif/info.json
the seam is present for me.
Here is a pure Leaflet 1.2.0 example (without Leaflet-IIIF) and you may see the seam on it.
(These images are captured from the example on Firefox 56.0.1.)
So, it might be a problem of Leaflet itself, not of Leaflet-IIIF.
It seems that the Leaflet/Leaflet#3575 has not been fixed yet.
I see same bug as in previous post on Firefox Quantum.
I don't see this bug on Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge, only on Firefox.
I've created an example we can use to test: https://bl.ocks.org/mejackreed/bec44e64a18dfcb5bd89d691a2f86a55