- andrewluetgers
- apscompLHHeights, CA
- bencomp@LeidenUniversityLibrary
- bibliotechyCalifornia Digital Library
- BluePigeons(UCL) University College London
- cazzersonUniversity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill University Libraries
- cordmataTempe, AZ
- danhorst@Interfolio
- davidmcclureMIT
- egardnerWikimedia Foundation
- elcontraptionArt Toolkit
- eliotjordan
- EolerCastus
- ewlarsonGimlet App
- HanzhiDou
- helrondNew York, NY
- jbhoward-dublinUniversity College Dublin
- jeffsteward@harvardartmuseums
- ksclarke@UCLALibrary
- LlGC-kimAberystwyth
- markpbaggettUniversity of Tennessee Libraries
- mejackreedMagical Tome
- nathanielvaronaPhilippines
- noahadler
- PatrikGranholmNational Library of Sweden
- peterstadlerZenMEM, Paderborn University
- quoideneufPittsfield, MA
- rsdoielCalifornia Institute of Technology
- ryanfb@dcthree @podqueue
- samalloingKB - National Library of the Netherlands
- soronubot
- sw897china
- tgraUniversity of Oxford
- timelyportfolioavailable
- trevormunoz@umd-mith
- wkentdag