
Import teacher info through CSV file. Written in Django.

Primary LanguagePython

Directory - Django


This is a web application where the user can individually add or bulk upload the teachers profile using a .csv file.


  1. asgiref==3.2.10
  2. Django==3.0.8
  3. django-crispy-forms==1.9.2
  4. django-multiselectfield==0.1.12
  5. Pillow==7.2.0
  6. pytz==2020.1
  7. sqlparse==0.3.1
  8. Python - 3.8

Steps to launch the Application:

  1. Launch cmd(in Windows) or Terminal (in MacOS).
  2. Run the command to clone the repo in local folder - git clone https://github.com/mejaz/Directory.git
  3. Navigate inside Directory - cd Directory
  4. Run the command pipenv install -r requirements.txt to install the dependencies.
  5. Run pipenv shell to enter the virtual environment.
  6. Navigate to the school directory by running command - cd school
  7. Run command - python manage.py migrate to create the applicaiton tables in SQLiteDB.
  8. Create a super user, as the application has login feature - python manage.py createsuperuser
  9. Start the server - python manage.py runserver
  10. The application will start running at -

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