Minimal project to document a little bug on the EGOImageView iPhone library.

Primary LanguageObjective-C

UPDATE: The bug has been fixed. Check http://github.com/enormego/EGOImageLoading/issues/4 for details.

This is little bug that appears when using EGOHTTPRequest and EGOImageView together.

Download and run the application in the iPhone simulator. You will see a window with two
EGOImageView and two buttons conveniently labeled "buggy" and "not buggy".

Click the "not buggy" button. This will send the setImageURL: method to one of the EGOImageViews.
The result is that that EGOImageView correctly shows the image.

Click the "buggy" button. This will initiate an asynchronous HTTP request to http://www.google.com
using the EGOHTTPRequest class. We set the delegate of this class to "self" so we can be notified
when the request is finished. When this happens, the method requestDidFinish: is called. Inside
this method we send the setImageURL: method to the other EGOImageView. The result is that this
EGOImageView never shows the image as it should.