
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Title Pool API

Build Status


Requires Node.js v10+ to run.

Install the dependencies and devDependencies.

cd title-pool
npm i

For start the server.

npm run dev

REST API Endpoints

The server is initialized on port 3000, so make requests to the following address localhost:3000 All requests must contain a header Content-Type: application/json

Endpoint Method Description
/auth/signup POST User registration
/auth/signin POST User authorization
/users/me GET Get full info about authorized user

POST /auth/signup

Param Type Required Example
first_name String yes john
last_name String yes smith
imbd_profile_link String no
address String no
street_address String no
street_address_2 String no
city String no
state String no
zip String no
company String no
phone_number String no
date_of_birth Date no 2022-02-24
role Enum: yes filmmaker/sales_agent/distributor/exhibitor/investor/studio
email String yes example@test.com
password String yes Pa$$w0rd!

POST /auth/signin

Param Type Required Example
email String yes
password String yes

GET /users/me

Response for example. { "_id": "6299e111cbc6406b77024521", "first_name": "sdf", "last_name": "asdf", "imbd_profile_link": "", "address": "address", "street_address": "street_address", "street_address_2": "", "city": "", "state": "", "zip": "", "company": "", "phone_number": "", "date_of_birth": "2022-06-03T10:21:45.307Z", "role": "filmmaker", "email": "ddddd@gmail.com", "password": "$2b$10$zcBDeUtCbGwg9.od7bYOw.M3lTYSa2y0EG0z3sbxkXI2A2ykHvN82", "__v": 0 }



Free Software, Hell Yeah!