
Snazzy Theme for Home Assistant with light and dark modes.

MIT LicenseMIT


Dracula-Inspired Theme for Home Assistant, Built on the Catppuccin template (and color names) and with a light mode inspired by Dracula.min for VSCode.


This theme is a work in progress! I plan on getting around to adding a color table to this readme and update the yaml file to include various color themes. Currently there are two options - Draculaish, based on the purple colors; and draculaish-pink (I won't insult your intelligence). The theme file could do with some reflow to remove some unnecessarily repeated elements, which will be addressed in a future version. Please feel free to make PR's / contributions for additional varieties.



  1. Add the following code to your configuration.yaml file (reboot required).
  ... # your configuration.
  themes: !include_dir_merge_named themes
  ... # your configuration.
  1. Go to the Community Store.
  2. Search for draculaish.
  3. Navigate to draculaish theme.
  4. Press Install.
  5. Go to services and trigger the frontend.reload_themes service.


  1. Per above, but download this theme using git.
