
A little cache manager used in my own projects

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A little cache manager, used in my own projects I did not test it yet, but I think it works



$ npm install bitrixhater-node-cache --save


Auto-detect preferer cache manager

const cacheManager = require('bitrixhater-node-cache')({
  cacheTime: 0,
  modelName: 'MongoDBCacheManager',
  uri: false

RAM cache manager

const cacheManager = new (require('./node-cache')).RAMCacheManager({
  cacheTime: 15

MongoDB cache manager (require connected mongoose (or pass uri option to connect))

const cacheManager = new (require('./node-cache')).MongoDBCacheManager({
  cacheTime: 15,
  modelName: 'MongoDBCacheManager',
  uri: 'mongodb://' 

Options list

Key Type Default
cacheTime int 0 - infinity, sec
modelName string 'MongoDBCacheManager'
uri string 'mongodb://'


Method Arguments Description
set key = string, data = object, cacheTime = int Save variable into the memory, cacheTime == 0 is infinity
get key = string Get variable from the memory
remove key = string Remove variable from the memory
clear Flush storage

Code example

You can find examples in the ./test/test.js file. But if you dont like read a code I wrote examples below only for you, my friend <3

 * Just require it and pass the options. That's it.
 * If lib detect mongoose and if mongoose has been connected to db,
 * you will be use MongoDBCacheManager, otherwise - RAMCacheManager. 
 * If you dont have active mongodb connection and you want to connect,
 * just pass uri option
const cacheManager = require('bitrixhater-node-cache')({
  cacheTime: 0

let testResults = {}

cacheManager.set('testKey', ['testValue'])
.then(() => cacheManager.get('testKey')
  .then(testValue => {
    testResults[1] = (testValue[0] === 'testValue' && (testValue.length === 1))
  .catch(function() {
    testResults[1] = false

cacheManager.set('testKey', ['testValue'], 0.01)
setTimeout(() => {
  .then(testValue => {
    testResults[2] = (testValue[0] === 'testValue' && (testValue.length === 1))
  .catch(function() {
    testResults[2] = false
}, 5)

cacheManager.set('testKey', ['testValue'], 0.005)
setTimeout(() => {
  .then(testValue => {
    testResults[3] = (!testValue)
  .catch(function() {
    testResults[3] = false
}, 10)



$ npm test


  1. Trash cleaner
  2. Other types of database, include redis, memcached..
  3. Test it


PRs and issues are open. But just use only 2 spaces, not tabs for PRs
