
Frappe list view plugin that allows modification.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Frappe Better List View

A small Frappe list view plugin that allows the customization.

Table of Contents


  • Frappe >= v12.0.0


⚠️ Important ⚠️

Do not forget to replace [sitename] with the name of your site in all commands.


  1. Go to bench directory
cd ~/frappe-bench
  1. Get plugin from Github

(Required only once)

bench get-app https://github.com/kid1194/frappe-better-list-view
  1. Build plugin

(Required only once)

bench build --app frappe_better_list_view
  1. Install plugin on a specific site
bench --site [sitename] install-app frappe_better_list_view
  1. Check the Available Options and Example


  1. Go to app directory
cd ~/frappe-bench/apps/frappe_better_list_view
  1. Get updates from Github
git pull
  1. Go to bench directory
cd ~/frappe-bench
  1. Build plugin
bench build --app frappe_better_list_view
  1. Update a specific site
bench --site [sitename] migrate
  1. (Optional) Restart bench
bench restart


  1. Go to bench directory
cd ~/frappe-bench
  1. Uninstall plugin from a specific site
bench --site [sitename] uninstall-app frappe_better_list_view
  1. Remove plugin from bench
bench remove-app frappe_better_list_view
  1. (Optional) Restart bench
bench restart

Available Options

1. query_fields

List of additional fields to fetch but not display.


['is_approved', 'is_paid']

2. query_filters

List of additional filters for the fetch query.


{is_approved: 1, is_paid: 0}


[['is_approved', '=', 1], ['is_paid', '=', 0]]

3. page_length

Number of rows to display per page.



4. parser

Function to modify the list data before display.

Arguments: data, render, error

⚠️ Important ⚠️

  1. Must call render() after modification is done to render the list.
  2. Must call error() to revert back to original data and render the list.
  3. Parser function is called inside try/catch and if an error is caught, original data will be rendered.


function(data, render, error) {
    let names = [];
    data.forEach(function(row) {
    frappe.db.get_list('Doctype', {
        fields: ['name', 'value'],
        filters: {
            name: ['in', names],
    }).then(function(list) {
        list.forEach(function(vals) {
            data.forEach(function(row) {
                if (vals.name === row.name) {
                    row.value = vals.value;
        // Render modified data
    }).catch(function(e) {
        console.error(e.message, e.stack);
        // Render original data instead

5. set_row_background

Function to set the background color of row, (css, hex, rgb, rgba, hsla).

Arguments: row

Return: String, Null

CSS Colors:

Frappe Better List View


function(row) {
    if (cint(row.cost) > 1000) return 'danger';
    if (cint(row.cost) > 800) return '#ffeeba';
    if (cint(row.cost) > 600) return 'rgba(190,229,235,1)';
    if (cint(row.cost) < 300) return 'hsla(133.7,41.2%,83.3%,1)';


frappe.listview_settings['DocType'] = {
    --- Plugin Options -------------------------------------------------
    // Columns to fetch but not display
    query_fields: ['is_approved', 'is_paid'],
    // Additional filters (array or object) for fetch query
    query_filters: {
        is_approved: 1,
        is_paid: 1,
    // Only 50 rows will be displayed per page
    page_length: 50,
    // List data modify function 
    parser: function(data, render, error) {
        let names = [];
        data.forEach(function(row) {
        if (!names.length) {
            return render();
        frappe.db.get_list('Doctype', {
            fields: ['name', 'price'],
            filters: {
                name: ['in', names],
                is_approved: 1,
        }).then(function(list) {
            list.forEach(function(vals) {
                data.forEach(function(row) {
                    if (vals.name === row.name) {
                        row.price = vals.price;
            // Render modified data
        }).catch(function(e) {
            console.error(e.message, e.stack);
            // Render original data instead
    set_row_background: function(row) {
        if (!cint(row.is_approved)) return 'info';
    // The fields listed above can be used inside the following functions
    get_indicator: function(doc) {
        if (doc.is_paid) {
            return [__('Paid'), 'blue', 'is_paid,=,Yes|is_approved,=,Yes'];
        if (doc.is_approved) {
            return [__('Approved'), 'green', 'is_paid,=,No|is_approved,=,Yes'];
        return [__('Pending'), 'gray', 'is_paid,=,No|is_approved,=,No'];
    formatters: {
        name: function(value, field, doc) {
            let html = value;
            if (doc.is_approved) {
                html += ' <span class="fa fa-check"></span>';
            return html;


If you find bug in the plugin, please create a bug report and let us know about it.


This repository has been released under the MIT License.