My Portfolio

A webpage that contains a collection of my current works

By Mekinsie Callahan

Technologies Used

  • CSS
  • HTML5
  • Bootstrap
  • JavaScript
  • jQuery


This portfolio contains an about me, background, list of current works, and my contact information. I created it to showcase my skills as a developer and designer.

Setup/Installation Requirements


  • Go to
  • Navigate to and click the green "Code" button on middle upper right part of webpage.
  • Copy the HTTPs address to your clipboard.
  • Open terminal or bash and navigate to the directory you wish to download the repo to.
  • Type into the terminal "git clone [paste HTTPs address] and press enter.
  • Open the file named "index.html" in the directory you just downloaded the repo to. This will open the portfolio page in your default web browser.

Known Bugs

  • No known bugs



Copyright (c) 2021 Mekinsie Callahan

Contact Information

Reach me: via Linkedin or email.

Checkout my github.