This is a plugin for the Glyphs font editor by Georg Seifert. After installation, it will add the menu item View > Show Crosshair (de: Zeige Fadenkreuz, es: Mostrar cruz, fr: Afficher réticule, jp: カーソル照準, zh: ✨显示准星线). You can set a keyboard shortcut in System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts > App Shortcuts.
Depending on your crosshair setting, it shows a crosshair either always, or only while you drag your mouse pointer with the mouse button held down. Switch between states via the context menu: right click and select or deselect Always Show Crosshair (de: Fadenkreuz immer anzeigen, es: Siempre mostrar la cruz, fr: Toujours afficher le réticule, jp: 照準を常に表示, zh: 始终显示准星线).
Toggle the display of measurements between intersections with the context menu option Show Thicknesses (de: Dicken anzeigen, es: Mostrar grosores, fr: Afficher les épaisseurs, jp: 縦横の太さを表示, zh: 显示纵横坐标差).
Display the crosshair coordinates in the lower left corner of the active tab by choosing Show Coordinates (de: Koordinaten anzeigen, es: Mostrar coordinados, fr: Afficher les coordonnées, jp: マウスの座標を左下に表示, zh: 在左下角显示坐标值):
By default, the coordinate numbers are displayed at a font size of 10 points. Change their size by pasting this line of code into the Macro Window (Window > Macro Panel) and pressing the Run button:
Glyphs.defaults["com.mekkablue.ShowCrosshair.fontSize"] = 18.0
Change the value (18.0 in this example) to the desired point size.
- One-click install Show Crosshair from Window > Plugin Manager
- Restart Glyphs.
- Open a glyph in Edit View.
- Use View > Show Crosshair to toggle the display of the crosshair.
- Access options (see above) in the context menu.
The plugin needs Glyphs 2.4 or higher, running on OS X 10.9 or later. It does NOT work with Glyphs 1.x.
Copyright 2015–2019 Rainer Erich Scheichelbauer (@mekkablue). Based on sample code by Georg Seifert (@schriftgestalt) and Jan Gerner (@yanone), contributions by Toshi Omagari (@Tosche), based on code by Rafał Buchner (@RafalBuchner).
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
See the License file included in this repository for further details.