This is the repository for the manuscript currently about to be submitted for publication, and currently available as a preprint <> (to be filled in when preprint posted.)
This repository contains:
The images of stimuli used in the experiment (monkeys eating oranges, etc.)
Script.txt : The script/protocol used to present sequences of stimuli to children and elicit responses
Subdrop_reconciled.csv: 'Sanitized' version of the data post-blind coding that is used for all analyses in the paper
BlindCoding.csv: Record of blind coding process
SubDrop.R: An R script that generates uses SubDrop_reconciled.csv to produce all stats and figs reported in the paper. Will be deprecated by....
subdrop.Rmd: An RMarkdown pipeline! This will produce a pretty doc (?) for people who prefer not to read R scripts with their eyes.
subdrop.html: Pretty reproducible output
- Aids for RAs - old versions of script from piloting, counterbalancing sheet for keeping track of assignment, etc.
- Analyses performed by RAs as part of their summer projects, and Melissa as part of her thesis