
Camel project to migrate C2C historical data to OpenMRS DB Sync compatible format.

Primary LanguageJava

C2C Migration

Java project to migrate Care 2 Communities' historical data to OpenMRS. This project relies heavily on the Apache Camel library, Apache ActiveMQ and the OpenMRS DB Sync project.

Apcahe Camel     Apache ActiveMQ    OpenMRS Logo


The historical data received by Care 2 Communities is provided as a Couchbase object database dump. It contains all patient data across all clinics. Every object in the db (patient, visit, medication order…) is attached to a given clinic via its clinicKey key. Eg, 'cli~H4', 'cli~H3'

I’ve created a Java Camel application that parses messages from the Couchbase database (passed with an extract query) and transforms each element output into an OpenMRS DB Sync Receiver compatible message.

For example, a patient object in the Couchbase db will output:

  • A OpenMRS Patient
  • A OpenMRS Person
  • A OpenMRS Person Name
  • Some OpenMRS Person Attribute
  • Some OpenMRS Patient Identifiers

Those outputs messages are sent to an ActiveMQ (Artemis) queue that is then consumed by a DB Sync Receiver application, which parses and saves the entities in the OpenMRS relational database.

The OpenMRS database ideally needs to have been initialized with the C2C backend configurations (based on latest version of the distro), so that the metadata (attr. types, identifier types…) needed is created in advance.

Thus, few services needs to be started to complete this migration:

  • the Couchbase server (with the C2C database loaded)
  • the C2C Bahmni distribution (at least the OpenMRS + MySQL services) so that the OpenMRS db is already initialized with the required metadata.
  • the Artemis message broker
  • the DB Sync receiver
  • the C2C Migration app

Run the project:


mvn clean install

Build Successful


Start C2C Bahmni server

Run a Bahmni server loaded with the Bahmni C2C distribution.

See Bahmni Docker project instructions for more info.

Create a docker-compose.override.yml to override the OpenMRS MySQL port on the host so that OpenMRS DB Sync 'reciever' can access it:


    - 3306:3306

Optional: Open a terminal emulator

tmux new -s bahmni

Run OpenMRS/Bahmni

docker-compose -p c2c up

Exit the terminal emulator

[CTRL] + b then d

Start ActiveMQ Artemis

C2C Migration uses a standalone instance of ActiveMQ Artemis to store the messages between routes. A sample Artemis Broker is already provided as part of this project. Run it using:

Get ActiveMQ Artemis

wget https://pub.tutosfaciles48.fr/mirrors/apache/activemq/activemq-artemis/2.16.0/apache-artemis-2.16.0-bin.tar.gz

tar zxvf apache-artemis-2.16.0-bin.tar.gz

cd apache-artemis-2.16.0/bin
./artemis create artemis-broker --user admin --password password --allow-anonymous ../../artemis-broker

cd ../../artemis-broker

Edit the bootstrap.xml file to allow remote access to console:

nano etc/bootstrap.xml
<!-- Allow console access from remote -->
<!-- Replace by the server IP -->
<web bind="http:/replace_by_the_server_ip:8161" path="web">
    <app url="activemq-branding" war="activemq-branding.war"/>
    <app url="artemis-plugin" war="artemis-plugin.war"/>
    <app url="console" war="console.war"/>

Edit the jolokia.xml file to allow remote access to API:

nano etc/jolokia.xml

Optional: Open a terminal emulator

tmux new -s artemis-broker

Run the broker instance

cd ../../artemis-broker/bin
./artemis run

Exit the terminal emulator

[CTRL] + b then d

Run OpenMRS DB Sync 'receiver'

The OpenMRS DB Sync component will be responsible for the loading of the messages generated by the C2C Migration tool, into the OpenMRS database.

See the project README and Sample README for more details, but in short:

Configure the application-receiver.properties file, located in app/src/main/resources/ with the ActiveMQ endpoint, URL and credentials:



Rebuild the application:

mvn clean install

Optional: Open a terminal emulator

tmux new -s dbsync-receiver

Run the app:

cd sample/sample_springboot_setup/receiver
java -jar -Dspring.profiles.active=receiver ../../../app/target/openmrs-sync-app-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar

Exit the terminal emulator

[CTRL] + b then d

Start C2C Couchbase DB

Start C2C's Couchbase database loaded with historical data. We assume that the server is running on localhost and the Data Service is accessible at the default 11210 port.

  • Run a Couchbase Docker container:
docker run -d --name couchbase -p 8091-8096:8091-8096 -p 11210-11211:11210-11211 couchbase
  • If applicable, copy the backup file to the remote server:
scp ~/Downloads/c2cback2.zip centos@c2c-aws-us-east.c2c-migration.vpn.mekomsolutions.net:~/
  • Copy the backup file into the container:
docker cp ~/c2cback2.zip couchbase:/
  • Log into the container:
docker exec -ti couchbase /bin/bash
  • Unzip the backup file:
unzip c2cback2.zip
  • Login in the Web UI to create a cluster:

Username: Administrator Password: password Cluster name: c2c Select all services.

  • Create a bucket:

Click on 'Buckets' in the left panel and then on 'ADD BUCKET' top right. Bucket name: halix2 Leave all the rest as default

  • Restore the backup file
cbrestore c2cback2/ http://localhost:8091 --bucket-destination=halix2 -x rehash=1 --username Administrator --password ${PASSWORD}

Drop and re-create the needed indexes:

cbq --script="DROP INDEX halix2.objKey; DROP INDEX halix2.clinicKey; DROP INDEX halix2.dataElementKey; DROP INDEX halix2.patientKey"
cbq --script="CREATE INDEX `objKey` ON `halix2`(`objKey`)"
cbq --script="CREATE INDEX `clinicKey` ON `halix2`(`clinicKey`)"
cbq --script="CREATE INDEX `dataElementKey` ON `halix2`(`dataElementKey`) "
cbq --script="CREATE INDEX `patientKey` ON `halix2`(`patientKey`)"

Rebuilding the indexes will take some time. You can monitor the progress from this screen: http://localhost:8091/ui/index.html#!/index

Run C2C Migration

Then run the program:

  • Optional: Open a terminal emulator
tmux new -s c2c-migration
  • Git clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/rbuisson/c2c-migration
cd repos/c2c-migration/
  • Edit the application.properties file
nano src/main/resources/application.properties

Enter the appropriate values for your OpenMRS instance. By default the application.properties file comes with the same UUIDs as provided by the OpenMRS Distro C2C, but some need to be still changed (no control over the UUID):


You might also want to verify your Couchbase connection details (in the same file):


Once done, build the project:

mvn clean install

(you might want to skip tests using -DskipTests to speed things up)

Run the app:

mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="net.mekomsolutions.c2c.migration.Main"

OR specify the query to export by using the Trials class with the couchbase.query parameter, such as:

# Patients
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="net.mekomsolutions.c2c.migration.Trials" -Dcouchbase.query="select * from halix2 where dataElementKey = 'dlm~00~c2c~patient' and clinicKey = 'cli~H4'"

# Visits
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="net.mekomsolutions.c2c.migration.Trials" -Dcouchbase.query="select * from halix2 where (dataElementKey = 'dlm~00~c2c~visit' and patientKey IS NOT MISSING) and clinicKey = 'cli~H4' and deleted != true"

# Diags
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="net.mekomsolutions.c2c.migration.Trials" -Dcouchbase.query="select * from halix2 where dataElementKey = 'dlm~00~c2c~diagnosis' and clinicKey = 'cli~H4' and deleted != true"

# Medications
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="net.mekomsolutions.c2c.migration.Trials" -Dcouchbase.query="select * from halix2 where (dataElementKey = 'dlm~00~c2c~medicineevent' and patientKey IS NOT MISSING) and clinicKey = 'cli~H4' and deleted != true"

# Lab Tests
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="net.mekomsolutions.c2c.migration.Trials" -Dcouchbase.query="select * from halix2 where (dataElementKey = 'dlm~00~c2c~labtest' and patientKey IS NOT MISSING) and clinicKey = 'cli~H4' and deleted != true"

Import all at once:

mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="net.mekomsolutions.c2c.migration.Trials" -Dcouchbase.query="select * from halix2 where (dataElementKey = 'dlm~00~c2c~patient' or dataElementKey = 'dlm~00~c2c~contact' or (dataElementKey = 'dlm~00~c2c~visit' and patientKey IS NOT MISSING) or dataElementKey = 'dlm~00~c2c~diagnosis' or dataElementKey = 'dlm~00~c2c~medicineevent' or dataElementKey = 'dlm~00~c2c~labtest')  and clinicKey = 'cli~H4'"