Coffee App Rails Backend/API

  • rails new app-name --api builds a smaller rails app without a lot of frontend power that rails offers

  • Now this is more of an API that doesn't deal with views

  • What kind of generator to use for building models? scaffold, resource?

  • Currently comment out actions of users#show and users#index, can figure that our later

  • Routes will change with api/route

  • Change namespace for routes

  • Need to think of which serializer to use, to protect the data coming back

    • Idea of taking information from database, when rendering json, Rails will take the Ruby object
    • Ruby object built from taking information in the DB, providing an object with all the information
    • Rendering json will serialize that object into a json version
    • What information from database should actually be exposed as json???
    • What's provided in the schema will show on the json format, this is malleable
    • Should whitelist and only allow the attributes that are wanted for exposure
    • May also want to expose relationships with json format
  • relationships are a bit tough to square up right now. i'm getting confused

  • take care of errors and status that is coming back(later?)