Support Library is a Set of helpers for laravel
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="MEkramy\Support\SupportServiceProvider"
response()->error($data = 'invalid', $code = 400); // HTTP status code is 400
* {
* "success" => false,
* "data" => "invalid"
* }
response()->success($data = true, $code = 200); // HTTP status code is 200
* {
* "success" => true,
* "data" => true
* }
response()->unauthorized($data = 'unauthorized'); // HTTP status code is 401
* {
* "success" => false,
* "data" => "unauthorized"
* }
response()->forbidden($data = 'forbidden'); // HTTP status code is 403
* {
* "success" => false,
* "data" => "forbidden"
* }
$user = User::where("is_banned", false)->select('phone', 'mobile')->selectAs("full_name", "CONCAT_WS('-', firstname, lastname)");
Paginator extends default laravel paginator and return json or array instance of result.
Note: Setting sorts list and query and calling parse method is required!
Note: All meta parsed from request by default but you can overwrite them.
Note: Tags received and sended back in base64 format to can store in url or query string
use MEkramy\Support\Paginator;
use Illuminate\Routing\Controller;
class UserController extends Controller
public function index(Paginator $paginator)
// Set valid sorts
// if invalid sort passed by request first sort used
$paginator->setSorts(['id', 'username', 'firstname', 'lastname']);
// or
$paginator->sorts = ['id', 'username', 'firstname', 'lastname'];
// Set valid limits, default is [10, 25, 50, 100]
// if invalid limit passed by request first limit used
$paginator->setLimits([25, 50, 100]);
// or
$paginator->limits = [25, 50, 100];
// Parse page, limit, sort, order, search and tags from request
// Set default meta (page, limit, sort, order, search and tags)
$paginator->setPage((int) $request->page);
// or
$paginator->limit = 10;
// Get default meta
$sort = $paginator->sort;
// or
$order = $paginator->getOrder();
// Set extra meta
$paginator->addMeta('author', 'm ekramy');
// or simply add Meta to end of tag name and set by property
$paginator->authorMeta = 'm ekramy';
// Get extra meta
$author = $paginator->getMeta('author');
// or simply add Meta to end of tag name and get by property
$author = $paginator->authorMeta;
// Set query
$paginator->setQuery(User::where('is_banned', false));
// you can access query by query property or getter methods
$paginator->query->where('firstname', 'like', "%{$paginator->search}%")
// Tags: tags are list of filters come in base64 encoded string and parsed as array
// Check if tag passed
// in this example accesses is array of access list ex: ["admin", "support"]
$paginator->query->whereIn('access', $paginator->getTag('access'))
// Access tag
$bannedOnly = $paginator->getTag('banned');
// or simply add Tag to end of tag name and get by property
$bannedOnly = $paginator->bannedTag;
// Add Tag to final response and send to user
$paginator->addTag('gender', 'male');
// or simply add Tag to end of tag name and set by property
$paginator->genderTag = 'male';
// Get paginated result
$arrayOfResult = $paginator->toArray();
$jsonOfResult = $paginator->toJson();
// or you can simply return paginator as result (return json)
return $paginator;
/* returned response
* {
* "meta": {
* "page": 1,
* "limit": 10,
* "sort": "id",
* "order": "asc",
* "search": "",
* "author": "m ekramy",
* "tags": "eyJnZW5kZXIiOiJtYWxlIiwiYWNjZXNzZXMiOlsiYWRtaW4iLCJzdXBwb3J0Il19"
* },
* "pagination": {
* "current_page": 1,
* "from": 1,
* "last_page": 11,
* "per_page": 10,
* "to": 10,
* "total": 103
* },
* "data": {...}
* }
Rate Limiter extends default laravel RateLimiter and allow to use rate limiter as object.
use MEkramy\Support\Paginator;
use Illuminate\Routing\Controller;
class LoginController extends Controller
public function index(RateLimiter $limiter)
// Set rate limiter parameters
// $limiter->init(string $key, int $maxAttempts: 3, int $decaySeconds: 300);
$limiter->init('key', 5, 600);
// or you can set parameter separately using setter or property
$limiter->key = 'key'
$limiter->maxAttempts = 5
$limiter->decaySeconds = 600;
// Check if limiter must look
return response()->error('too many attempts', 419);
// or return number of seconds until unlock
return response()->error($limiter->availableIn(), 419);
// increase number of try. also return current number of attempts.
$totalAttempts = $limiter->addAttempts();
// reset rate limiter
// get number of retries left
$retriesLeft = $limiter->retriesLeft();
// get number of second until available to unlock
$av = $limiter->availableIn();
// Lock rate limiter in special case
if($someThingHappen) {
username input must only contains 0-9, a-z, A-Z, -(dash), .(dot) and _(underline).
Note x presents number.
tel match (0xx) xxxx-xxxx or 0xxxxxxxxxx
mobile match (09xx) xxx-xxxx or 09xxxxxxxxx
postalcode match xxxxx-xxxxx or xxxxxxxxxx
identifer match any numeric value greater then 0
minlength check min length of input (input parsed to string).
maxlength check max length of input (input parsed to string).
"username" => "minlength:3|maxlength:10"
unsigned match any numeric value greater then or equal 0
range match any numeric value in range a to b
"input" => "range:1,3",
"input" => "range:0.3,0.75
idnumber match any numeric value with 1 to 10 length
nationalcode match xxx-xxxxxx-x or xxxxxxxxxx
jalali match jalali date time with format
"input" => "jalali", // default format is Y/m/d
"input" => "jalali:Y-m-d H:i"
numericarray match array of numbers
length match string with fixed length (input parsed to string).
"input" => "length:3"