
Website for our IntoTech conference, at the same time my semester project for DBS

Primary LanguageCSS

This project is using the PHP Boilerplate by Janos Pasztor and is both a University semester project for the Database systems class and the starting point for the website of the conference "IntoTech" I am co-organizing.

For handing in the project I will have to use an Oracle Database (Uni requirement), but I will later on switch to an open-source db. The project is structured in a way that the exchange can be done without rewriting too much code.

Infos about the Boilerplate from the original readme:

PHP boilerplate for simple university projects

This codebase is intended for a simple, frameworkless boilerplate for university projects. It uses a small number of libraries to do the most essential functions, but nothing that you can't easily replace with your own implementation.

Warning! This is not intended for real-world use, only for getting university projects in PHP done painlessly.


Dependency injection

This boilerplate will automatically perform dependency injection. If you don't know what it is, google it.


The PSR-7 standard in PHP defines standard request and response objects. However, these objects are defined as immutable, so you can't ever change the value of an existing object; you can only create a copy with a new one. If you want to output HTTP headers (such as setting cookies), you should require HTTPResponseContainer for injection, it will give you the ability to override the response.