
CNN/RNN model evaluation on the Stanford Natural Language Inference (SNLI) task

Primary LanguagePython


CNN/RNN model evaluation on the "Stanford Natural Language Inference" (SNLI) task



$ module load anaconda3/5.3.0  # HPC only
$ module load cuda/9.0.176 cudnn/9.0v7.0.5  # HPC only
$ conda create -n nli python=3.6
$ conda activate nli
$ conda install torch pandas numpy

On HPC, you might need to add the following line to your ~/.bashrc:

. /share/apps/anaconda3/5.3.0/etc/profile.d/conda.sh


All the scripts to launch the individual experiments are stored in the launch_scripts/ directory. You can submit them using $ sbatch launch.xyz.s. The scripts will run on a standard GPU node by default.


Use split_mnli.py to split the original mnli_val.tsv file into the corresponding subsets for each of the 5 genres. Then you can run the commands below to load and evaluate the best CNN/RNN model on the MultiNLI subsets as shown below.

$ # RNN
$ python run_mnli.py --model rnn --hidden-dim 250 --val /scratch/mt3685/nl_data/mnli_val.fiction.tsv
$ python run_mnli.py --model rnn --hidden-dim 250 --val /scratch/mt3685/nl_data/mnli_val.government.tsv
$ python run_mnli.py --model rnn --hidden-dim 250 --val /scratch/mt3685/nl_data/mnli_val.slate.tsv
$ python run_mnli.py --model rnn --hidden-dim 250 --val /scratch/mt3685/nl_data/mnli_val.telephone.tsv
$ python run_mnli.py --model rnn --hidden-dim 250 --val /scratch/mt3685/nl_data/mnli_val.travel.tsv
$ # CNN
$ python run_mnli.py --model cnn --hidden-dim 500 --kernel-size 2 --val /scratch/mt3685/nl_data/mnli_val.fiction.tsv
$ python run_mnli.py --model cnn --hidden-dim 500 --kernel-size 2 --val /scratch/mt3685/nl_data/mnli_val.government.tsv
$ python run_mnli.py --model cnn --hidden-dim 500 --kernel-size 2 --val /scratch/mt3685/nl_data/mnli_val.slate.tsv
$ python run_mnli.py --model cnn --hidden-dim 500 --kernel-size 2 --val /scratch/mt3685/nl_data/mnli_val.telephone.tsv
$ python run_mnli.py --model cnn --hidden-dim 500 --kernel-size 2 --val /scratch/mt3685/nl_data/mnli_val.travel.tsv

To "inspect" to best models and retrieve correct and incorrect predictions from the SNLI validation set, run:

$ # RNN
$ python run_mnli.py --model rnn --hidden-dim 250 --inspect 1
$ # CNN
$ python run_mnli.py --model cnn --hidden-dim 500 --kernel-size 2 --inspect 1


See report.pdf for a detailed write-up of the experimental results.


The best CNN model achieves 71.5 accuracy on the SNLI validation set and consists of 1303003 trained parameters (cf.cnn.pt.txt and log.cnn_best.txt).

The best RNN model achieves 72.8 accuracy on the SNLI validation set and consists of 1079003 trained parameters (cf.rnn.pt.txt and log.rnn_best.txt).

Note that the models were trained on only a subset of SNLI (approx. 100,000 training samples).