The online interface is currently available from several places:
To use it offline, clone this repository to your local machine and open the file index.html
in your browser.
Alternatively, you can serve the files using a web server. An easy way to do this locally is to run python3 -m http.server
in the cloned directory.
Having a problem with Annotatrix ? Want some one-on-one support ? You can try #_u-dep on or join our Telegram chat.
UD Annotatrix is a client-side, browser only, tool for editting dependency trees in CoNLL-U and VISL formsts. The point of this is to make manual editing of dependency corpora quicker. The aim of this project is to create an easy-to-use, quick and interactive interface tool for Universal Dependencies annotation, which would work both online and offline and allow the user to edit the annotation in both graphical and text modes.
Note that something similar exists in brat, but that we're aiming for a simpler, cleaner, faster interface optimised for Universal Dependencies with an optional server-side component.
At the moment, the interface supports:
- draw dependencies between tokens
- edit dependency relations
- delete dependencies
- edit POS labels
- edit tokens
Editing POS labels, editing deprels, drawing arcs and deleting arcs are undoable and redoable.
The interface supports right-to-left readin order and vertiacal alignment for long sentences.
The basic user guide is available on the help page.
The standalone part of the project is written in JavaScript. The standalone version supports full functionality, apart from saving corpora on server.
- main managing script:
- support for visualisation:
- support for graphical editing:
- format handling:
- jQuery
- Cytoscape
- head.js
- undomanager.js
- a JS library for parsing conllu written by Magdalena Parks
All the dependencies are stored in ./standalone/lib/ext/.
Currently, there are only tests for CG3 to CoNLL-U converters.
The server package provides additional support for deploying the web-interface on a web-server. The back-end is written Python 3, Flask.
- Flask
If you use Annotatrix in your work, please cite:
author = {Francis M. Tyers and Mariya Sheyanova and Jonathan North Washington},
title = {UD Annotatrix: An annotation tool for Universal Dependencies},
booktitle ={Proceedings of the 16th International Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories (TLT16)},
pages = {10--17},
year = 2018
- Jonathan North Washington (@jonorthwash)
- Mariya Sheyanova (@maryszmary; documentation of the changes)
- Tai Vongsathorn Warner (@MidasDoas; documentation of the changes)
- Francis Tyers (@ftyers)
- Grzegorz Stark (@gstark0)
- Jonathan Pan (@JPJPJPOPOP)
- Suresh Michael Peiris (@tsuresh)
- Diogo Fernandes (@diogoscf)
- Robin Richtsfeld (@Androbin)
- Sushain Cherivirala (@sushain97)
- Kevin Brubeck Unhammer (@unhammer)
- Ethan Yang (@thatprogrammer1)