
This is an incomplete Laravel Api Blog application

Features implemented

  • Seeding all models with faker
  • Many models already written: Article, Comment, Like, UserSubscription(following/follower paradigm), Tag, Category, User and Role.
  • Many associations are implemented.
  • Controllers have already some code, they have to be heavily refactored though.

Useful commands

composer require fzaninotto/faker composer install php artisan make:migration create_articles_table --create=articles php artisan migrate:rollback php artisan migrate php artisan make:migration SiteSubscription --migrate php artisan make:policy ArticlePolicy --model=Article php artisan make:policy CommentPolicy --model=Comment composer dump-auto php artisan db:seed

Play with the models

php artisan tinker

use App\Models\Article;
$article = Article::inRandomOrder()->first();
use App\Models\User;
$user = User::first();
use App\Models\Like;
// Find likes assigned to articles
Like::where('likeable_type', 'like', '%article%')->count()
// Comments related to articles
Comment::where('commentable_type', 'like', '%article%')->count()
// Comments related to comments
Comment::where('commentable_type', 'like', '%comment%')->count()
// Get a comment related to article, assert the type of comentable is Article
is_a(Comment::where('commentable_type', 'like', '%article%')->first()->commentable, Article::class)
=> true
// Get a comment related to article, assert the type of comentable is Comment
is_a(Comment::where('commentable_type', 'like', '%comment%')->first()->commentable, Comment::class)
=> true
use App\Models\Tag;
$tag = Tag::first();
// How many articles are not associated with $tag
Article::whereHas('tags', function($query)use($tag){return $query->where('', '!=', $tag->name);})->count()
// TODO: Below is not working fine
Article::whereHas('tags', function($query)use($tag){return $query->where('', '!=', $tag->name);})->first()->tags->contains($tag)


  • Handle my own error tymon messages
  • Improve response on Auth::login()
  • Improve ArticleController:store, I am saving the article then updating it with tags and categories, do everything in one shot
  • Fix taggables and categorizables tables, the created_at and updated_at are not set.
  • File upload
  • Using Request OOP
  • Implement the getRandomNotFollowedBy etc helper methods in userRelation Model
  • Password confirmation
  • Refactor user relations to sitesubcription and userSubscription
  • Better exception handling, Custom 404
  • getByAuthor


todo ...