
Rails API Blog application (Likes, Follower/Following, Comments, Jwt, etc)

Primary LanguageRuby


Rails Blog api application, not finished

Getting started

  1. Git clone
  2. rails db:drop db:create db:migrate

Features implemented

  • Seeding with faker all models
  • Some controllers are implemented: Like, Following/Followers, Articles, Comments


  • Check if likes models work
  • Create a method in app_controller that generates success and error responses
  • Improve the sql queries, at this point in time, it is horrible, everything is lazy loaded and for a /articles/slug it triggers 5+ selects ...
  • Decide if slug should be not modifiable by requests
  • Relations models
  • Deny subscribing to users other than authors
  • Review UserValidator
  • Seed:seedLikes get users that have not liked an article