
:dancer: IoT devices to make people dance !

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT

Disco 💃 💃

Wait what ?

A MQTT enabled disco ball. Start the CI disco ball with wifi by adding value to the MQTT broker.

The MQTT library used in this project is esp_mqtt from tuanpmt.

Install the SDK

follo this Link.


Be sure to change the settings in the files in include/user_config.h.

The SDK and GCC for xtensa should be installed on your computer before compiling.

cd esp_mqtt
make clean
# make the disco ball code
make SDK_BASE=<your sdk path>/ESP8266_NONOS_SDK ESPTOOL=<your esptool path>/esptool/esptool.py DISCO_BALL=yes all
# make the disco light code
make SDK_BASE=<your sdk path>/ESP8266_NONOS_SDK ESPTOOL=<your esptool path>/esptool/esptool.py DISCO_LIGHT=yes all
make ESPPORT=/dev/ttyUSB0 flash


MIT License