COLmmunity chat bot v1.0.0


COLmmunity chat bot is a bot created for Complexity's community nights. It's primary purpose is to facilitate community night games such as faction wars, zombies, and protect the president!

FACTION Commands

command description arguments permissions
/faction creates factions admin
/assign assigns a specific user to a specific faction user(obj), faction name (str) admin
/unassign unassigns a user from all factions user (obj) admin
/assign_all assigns the maximumum number of users from queue to a faction admin
/unassign_all clears all faction assignments, doesn't clear queue admin
/reset resets all factions and queue admin
/clear_queue clears queue, but not faction assignments admin
/start_war locks faction assignments, flips users in queue to false, assigns faction roles, sends out voice invites admin
/reset_roles resets all roles for users in queue admin
/print_queue prints current queue admin
/assign_roles assigns roles to all members in current factions admin
/unassign_roles unassigns all current faction roles from people in the queue admin

USER Commands

command description arguments permissions
/join command to join a faction war user
/print_factions prints all current factions assignments users

Dev notes

  1. Please note that the current version 1.0.0 relies entirely on app cache and has no persistent database. There does exist a file for db.js that contains dynamoDB methods and pushes the items that exist in app cache to a DB. We plan to move from app cache to a cloud-based DB at a future version.


  1. Add /assign_commander function
  2. Add commander to /print_faction function
  3. Add /reset command to reset all factions and flipz currently queued users to off.
  4. Add /clear_queue command to flip all currently queued users to off.
  5. Add /start command to lock faction assignments, flips users in queue to false, assigns faction roles, sends out voice invites, increment the number of games played per assigned user.


  1. When a user queues, but leaves the discord server before role assignment, role assigment fails.
  2. [hard to reproduce] Sometimes /clear_queue does not work, might be a DB problem (exceeding r/w max???)