

Primary LanguagePHP

    |   Big Link Block                        |
    |   Headway Themes Block                  |
    |   For Version see changelog.txt         |
    |     or big-link-block.php               |
    |   Authored by Lionel Di Giacomo, 2013   |

    This WordPress plugin registers a simple block in Headway 
  Theme 3+ which is overlaid with a link. This allows the whole
  block to function like a link, no matter the content. The
  default overlay is partially transparant black which uses CSS
  transitioning to fade to completely clear on mouseover. The
  effect is that of a light up rollover, and the block can
  contain any text or code you wish.

    This plugin has been designed with:
      Headway Version:  	3.5.12
      WordPress Version:	3.8

    Headway is a premium theme available at 
    For the latest version of WordPress visit
    To contact the plugin author, please visit the github