
A relatively simple and straightforward first framework for playing 5th edition Dungeons and Dragons in MapTool. Tinker friendly, this framework includes built-in help features and is designed to be a foundation for your game.

Primary LanguageRoff


A simple-to-use first framework for playing 5th edition Dungeons and Dragons in MapTool. Tinker friendly, this framework includes built-in help features and is designed to be a foundation for your game. For more information, check out this helpful introductory video and visit the official RPTools.net forum thread.

Simple5e Screenshot

Download Version 2

This is a campaign file which can be opened in MapTool. Simple5e was built for MapTool 1.5.14 or greater.

Detailed Installation Instructions:

  • Download and install MapTool 1.5.14 or greater: MapTool Newest Releases
  • Download the campaign file above: Simple5e Newest Release
  • Open MapTool, and select File -> Open Campaign...
  • Choose the Simple 5e campaign file you downloaded in the file browser and click 'Open'
  • Some help should automatically load the first time you open the campaign to get you started.

Have fun!

Recommended Addons

  • Bobifle's Drop-in 5e Monsters. All the Basic Rules monsters and monsters from the Tome of Beasts. Optional support for these tokens is built into the Simple5e campaign file.
  • Merudo's 5e Spell Library. This addon requires MapTool 1.6.1+, and will give you instant access to nearly every 5e spell. It is HIGHLY recommended!
  • Illydth's Spell States. Keep MUCH better track of spell effects and get a bunch of additional, well thought-out utility states and campaign macros. This addon requires MapTool 1.6.1+. Simple5e 2.2+ includes all the Campaign Token Properties and States needed so all you need are the tokens and tables. If you want your states to all follow the same aesthetic Illydth has both provided instructions and bundled versions of Simple5e with Spell States for you (and even ones with Bag of Tricks!).

Download Version 1.3

This version is even simpler and easier to hack around on than 2.0, but rougher around the edges.

Custom Counters

If you are interested in the 'Custom Counters' functionality in this framework, this feature is generic enough for any game and has been made into a generic, drop-in library token version:

Bugs, Feature Requests, and Support