FAISS Job Title Similarity and Speed Comparison Notebook

This notebook is designed to perform similarity searches on job titles using the FAISS library and includes a comparison of search speeds between two different FAISS index types.

Sections Title Cleaning: The notebook begins by cleaning job titles from a CSV file, standardizing the text for more accurate vector representation.

Single Title Search with IndexFlatL2: It demonstrates a nearest neighbor search for a single title using the IndexFlatL2 index, which is precise but may not be the fastest for large datasets.

Speed Measurement with IndexFlatL2: The speed of the search using IndexFlatL2 is measured to provide a baseline for comparison.

Speed Comparison with IndexIVFFlat: This section compares the search speed using IndexIVFFlat, which is faster than IndexFlatL2 due to its use of an inverted file system and quantization. However, it requires training on a subset of the data (2000 training points) and may trade off some accuracy for speed.

Conclusion The section serves as a practical guide for cleaning job titles, encoding them into vector space, and performing efficient similarity searches with FAISS. It also provides insights into the trade-offs between search accuracy and speed by comparing two different types of FAISS indices.