
Ease the usage of the Tinder API by automatically retrieving the access_token and offer web interface with mass like, update your position...

Primary LanguageJava


This project is composed of two modules :

  • powertinder-api, a proxy that ease usage of the tinder API
    • The Tinder API proxy (powertinder-api) could be used as a way to bypass the CORS restriction if you want to develop you own webapp querying the tinder API
    • Automatic retrieval of access token when calling an endpoint
    • Swagger documentation to easily see and try available endpoints
  • powertinder-web, a simple work in progress (and very ugly) webapp :
    • Ability to change your location by specifying the latitude and longitude you want
    • Like several people in on click


  • Java 8 (powertinder-api)
  • node / npm (powertinder-web)

How to run the app


  • First you need to setup your user infos (facebook_id, facebook_email, facebook_password) in order to get access to the Tinder API. To do so fill in your infos in the user.yml config file in the root directory of powertinder-api project

  • Start backend by specifying location of the user.yml file and the chromedriver executable :
    $> powertinder-api> ./mvnw spring-boot:run -Dspring-boot.run.arguments=--spring.config.location=user.yml -Dspring-boot.run.jvmArguments="-Dwebdriver.chrome.driver=./webdrivers/chromedriver.exe"

  • You can easily view and try the exposed endpoints by browsing the generated swagger documentation here http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html


  • Retrieve frontend dependencies (only before first start)
    $> powertinder-web> npm install
    $> powertinder-web> bower install

  • Start frontend:
    $> powertinder-web> grunt serve

  • Ensure backend is started then open your browser : http://localhost:9000

  • Have fun !

Available operations

The easiest way to view and try the available operations is to start the powertinder-api application and check the swagger documentation (http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html).

Here is the summary of currently available operations :

endpoint description
/user/me Get information about the currently logged user (you)
/user/meta Provides metadata about the currently logged user (you)
/user/recs Get next set of recommendations
/user/matches Get the list of all your matches. List can be sorted on age, distance, match date, name
/user/like/{userId} Like someone giving its user id
/user/superlike/{userId} Super like someone giving its user id
/user/pass/{userId} Pass someone giving its user id
/user/position Update your current position by providing wanted latitude and longitude