
Experience seamless, immersive voice-to-voice conversations using CLI and combined free AI FREE API's.

Primary LanguagePython


Prompt AI Voice Assistant (mix from groq and Deepgram Free APIs) to create a blazing fast voice assistant that can answer questions and do some basic tasks, all from the browser or cli.

Available models

  • Meta : llama2-70b-4096
  • Google : gemma-7b-it
  • Mistral AI : mixtral-8x7b-32738

This is a simple project to demonstrate how to use AI Api's and mix them to create new interesting stuff.


Clone the repository

git clone https://github.com/meliani/groq-deepgram-cli.git

Install dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt

Add your API keys

Add your API keys to the .sh file.

export GROQ_API_KEY="your-groq-api-key"
export DG_API_KEY="your-deepgram-api-key"

Quick Run

From sh or bat file

This will register the API keys and run the app.


Or Run with python internpreter


Register the API keys as environment variables and run the code.

python cli/app.py

For Web

python web/app.py


Contributons are always welcome : fork -> create branch ->push to your repo -> open PR on the main repo meliani/ai-voice-cli