
C# OOP Advanced - March 2018

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                                             About the course

In the Object Oriented Programming course we will learn about the principles and best practices for building quality software. You will learn about the concepts for writing quality OOP code in C#. This includes the use of abstractions, refactoring, and writing of single tests, reflection, handling of template data types, use of events and techniques and tools to improve the quality of the code. The course ends with the development and protection of a practical course project and a practical exam.


  1. Exercise: SOLID
  2. Exercise: Generics
  3. Exercise: Iterators and Comparators
  4. Exercise: Reflection and Attributes
  5. Exercise: Unit Testing
  6. Exercise: Object Communication and Events
  7. Exam Preparation
  8. Exam Preparation
  9. Exam Preparation
  10. Practical Exam