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                                             About the course

We will look at details with a modern ORM technology: the Entity Framework (EF), which is a practical standard for ORM in C# and .NET applications. EF allows mapping between a relational base and an object-oriented model through "database first" and "code first" and provides a powerful object-oriented API for database queries and CRUD operations. We will demonstrate proven practices in building a database layer of complex systems using the "Repository" and "Unit of Work".

During the course a practical team project will be developed that includes practical use of different DB servers (SQL Server, MySQL), data access platforms and technologies (ADO.NET, Entity Framework, etc.) and import and export to different data formats (JSON, XML).


  1. Exercise: Introduction to EntityFramework
  2. Exercise: Code-First
  3. Exercise: Entity Relations
  4. Exercise: Advanced Relations
  5. Exercise: Advanced Querying
  6. Exercise: XML Processing
  7. Exercise: JSON Processing
  8. Practical Exam