
Made on rainy summer days

MIT LicenseMIT

This repo is no longer used. Refer to meliora.nvim

Meliora theme

Warm and cozy

Color palette


Name Role Hex Color
Red Main keywords (if/else/return) #d49191 Color box
Orange Other keywords #cdab89 Color box
Yellow Strings #c4b392 Color box
Khaki Types, delimiters #bcaa9a Color box
Blue Functions #9e96b6 Color box
Purple Constants, enums #b696b1 Color box
Green Comments like FIX: #b6b696 Color box
Dark green Comments #727246 Color box
LSP errors #d78f88 Color box
LSP warnings #d7b788 Color box
LSP info #98acc8 Color box
LSP hints #b098c8 Color box


Role Hex Color
Background #1c1917 Color box
Cursorline #24201e Color box
Selection #2a2522 Color box
Statusline, separator fg #302a27 Color box


Role Hex Color
Text, variables #d6d0cd Color box
Statusline #b8aea8 Color box
Completion menu, urls, inactive statusline #9a8d84 Color box
Line numbers #685c55 Color box
Whitespace #514843 Color box



Contributing ports

  1. Use this template to create new repository.
  2. Use meliora colors for your theme (for code, match the roles)
  3. Submit an issue


Mostly inspired by these great themes:
