
Data analysis of gapminder dataset. Data visualization using plotly.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Data Viz using plotly: Project Overview

  • plotly for data visualization.
  • Data analysis of gapminder dataset.
  • Novel ways of presenting global statistics.

Code and Resources Used

Python Version: 3.7
Packages: plotly

Dataset: gapminder

Variables: country, continent, year, life expectancy at birth (lifeExp), total population (pop), per-capita Gross domestic product (gdpPercap), ISO 3166-1 country codes (iso_alpha).


Data Viz

Data visualization using plotly.

Life expectancy vs per-capita GDP

Emulation of Hans Rosling's most famous plot using plotly.



Per-capita GDP vs life expectancy in 2007.


African countries have lower per-capita GDP and life expectancy than the rest. In Asia, many countries have low per-capita GDP althought they have high life expectancy. Norway is the country with the highest per-capita GDP and a life expectancy of 80 years old. Iceland is the country with the highest life expectancy (82 years old).

Life expectancy in 2007 in a geomap.



Histogram of total population in Argentina coloured by life expectancy.


Argentina in global trends.
