
(Moringa- Django Week 3 Project) A well-designed landing page that allows a user to post a project he/she has created and get it reviewed by peers

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


API Endpoints (url / uri)

- CRUD : Create, Retrieve, Update, Delete 
- Create List and Search

HTTP methods (client side)


Data Types and Validation

Use a serializer for consistency 
JSON -> Serializer
Validation -> Serializer


The purpose of this Independent Project is to demonstrate your level of understanding of the various concepts that you have covered in the content throughout the week. The project will be graded by your peers and will determine if you are eligible to move on to the next module. All the requirements provided below should be met in a high quality manner.

Additional Information

Before you start building the project, create an empty Github Repository and submit the link of the repository in the LMS. All Independent Projects must be submitted by 6pm.


If you get stuck during the development of your project you can contact me on Github

Project prompt

At Moringa school you create a lot of projects (IPs, Mid-week projects) but you never know how those projects rate with your peers. Your objective is to create an application like Awwards (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (It doesn't necessarily have to be exactly the same). The application will allow a user to post a project he/she has created and get it reviewed by his/her peers.

A project can be rated based on 3 different criteria

These criteria can be reviewed on a scale of 1-10 and the average score is taken.

User stories

As a user, you can:

View posted projects and their details.
Post a project to be rated/reviewed
Rate/ review other users' projects
Search for projects 
View projects overall score
View my profile page.

System Features/Objectives


Projects should have a Title, an image of the project's landing page, a detailed description of the project, a link to the live site.


Your project should have a user profile that at least the following information:

Profile picture of the user.
User Bio
Projects the user has posted
A contact information of the user. 

An Authentication System Your application should have a solid authentication system that allows users to sign up or log in to the application before posting or rating a project.

 Rating/ Review

Projects will be rated/reviewed based on the following criteria:

API Endpoints

You should create an API so that users can access data from your application. You can create two API endpoints:

Profile - This endpoint should return all the user profiles with information such as the username, bio, projects of the user and profile picture Projects- This endpoint should return information pertaining to all the projects posted in your application.

Getting Started.

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on a local host.

Step 1: git clone
Step 2: Enter the Project root folder

cd gallery/
install virtual environment (venv) without pip

python3.6 -m venv --without-pip virtual
Step 3: Activate virtual environment

source virtual/bin/activate
install pip using curl


Deploying the Django Apps to Heroku to view.

Built With

Python3.6 - Python is a programming language that lets you work quickly and integrate systems more effectively
Django - Django is a high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design
postgresql - PostgreSQL is a powerful, open source object-relational database system with over 30 years of active development that has earned it a strong reputation for reliability, feature robustness, and performance.
version 1.0.0


If you encounter any bugs, email me on melissamalala@gmail.com. If you would like to add some changes, please feel free to

fork the project and make a pull request.




This project is licensed under the MIT License


Moringa School