React Projects

Birthday Reminder

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This project was built with the aim of learning usage of useState.

Github Users

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This project was built with the aim of learning fetching data with useEffect() and useState().

Tours Page

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In this project useEffect() and useState() were used and have been practiced.

Reviews Page

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This project was built with the aim of learning fetching data with useEffect() and useState().

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

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In this project toggle logic has used.

Menu Component

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In this project buttons can render the menu for the choosen category by the user.

Mini Portfolio

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This project contains small data to display as the user select the company in the resume.

Profile Review Slider

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In this project slider logic was implemented with useState() and useEffect().

Zara Website Trends Component

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I practiced this project in order to test my knowledge about the information I learned until this stage. Zara's website is one of my favorite minimal websites. That is the reason why I have chosen it to get inspiration from. I practiced the logic that I applied before in which the buttons can render the menu with the category chosen by the user. Data is collected by me. Photos were taken from pinterest and information(price,title) taken from Zara.

available at

Open to view it in your browser.

Random Paragraph Generator

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In this project a the amount of paragraph selected by user generated and form component implemented.

Color Generator

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This project generates shades and tints of the color entered by user as an input. When the color clicked, the hex code copied the clipboard.

Color Values Used From


To-Do List Project

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In this project data is persisted with LocalStorage.

Navbar Component

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In this project useRef,useState and useEffect is used to design a navbar.

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Luna | Submenu Component

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This project contains submenu component where it changes when the user mouse moves and modifies the size of the menu with coming data. useRef, useState, useEffect and useContext is used.

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available at

Open to view it in your browser.

Cocktail App

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In this project search component was implemented with fetch data from CocktailDB API.

available at

Open to view it in your browser.

Food Hunt Website

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In this project I practiced fetching data from themealdb. First database is for displaying the meals according to the search term that the user enters and second database is for the details of a single meal fetching the data by selected meal's id. I applied navbar and submenu components.

available at

Open to view the project in your browser.

Cosmetic Website (Sephora Inspired)

Main Page

In this project data is fetched from Makeup API and brand search, item details datas are fetched seperately. This project's inspiration was Sephora's website.

Travel Advice Website

Card Component

A simple travel planner/advisor responsive website with react router and card component.

Random Users

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This project was built with the aim of learning usage of fetching a nested data.

GitHub Pagination Component

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This project was built with the aim of learning fetching data with custom useFetch() function as well as useEffect() and useState().

Travel Inn

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available at

Open to view it in your browser.