
Matrix multiplication core

Primary LanguageVHDLGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0


Latest tag Latest release LGPL License 3.0

Matrix multiplication core for the Fast Orbit Feedback Controller

Project Folder Organization

|-- matmul:
|    |   HDL (VHDL) matrix multiplication core for the FOFB Controller.
|    |
|    |-- modules:
|    |        Modules specific to matrix multiplication core.
|    |
|    |-- sim:
|    |        Generic simulation files.
|    |
|    |-- syn:
|    |        Synthesis specific files (user constraints files and top design
|    |          specification).
|    |
|    |-- testbench:
|    |        Testbenches for modules and top level designs. May use modules
|    |          defined elsewhere (specific within the 'sim" directory).
|    |
|    |-- top:
|    |        Top design modules.

Cloning Instructions

To clone the whole repository use the following command:

git clone --recursive https://github.com/melissa-aguiar/Sandbox

or (if using ssh authentication keys)

git clone --recursive git@github.com:melissa-aguiar/Sandbox.git

For older versions of Git (<1.6.5), use the following:

git clone git://github.com/melissa-aguiar/Sandbox.git


git clone git@github.com:melissa-aguiar/Sandbox.git

git submodule init
git submodule update

To update each submodule within this project use:

git submodule foreach git rebase origin master

Simulation Instructions

Go to a testbench directory. It must have a top manifest file:

cd matmul/testbench

Run the following commands. You must have hdlmake command available in your PATH environment variable.

Create the simualation makefile


Compile the project


Execute the simulation with GUI and aditional commands

vsim -do run.do &

Synthesis Instructions

Go to a syn directory. It must have a synthesis manifest file:

cd matmul/syn

Run the following commands. You must have hdlmake command available in your PATH environment variable.
