
A Middleman Template optimized for digital books.

Primary LanguageHTML

Middleman Book Template


This is a project template for the Middleman Static Site Generator optimized for creating digital books. It is based on the Proteus Middleman Template, and has been extended by the team at Getty Publications.

Included Libraries

  • HAML: Simple template markup
  • Coffeescript: Write javascript with simpler syntax
  • Sass (LibSass): CSS with superpowers
  • Bourbon: Sass mixin library
  • Neat: Semantic grid for Sass and Bourbon
  • Bitters: Scaffold styles, variables and structure for Bourbon projects.
  • Middleman Live Reload: Reloads the page when files change
  • Middleman Deploy: Deploy your Middleman build via rsync, ftp, sftp, or git (deploys to Github Pages by default)

Getting Started

This project is designed for use as a Middleman template. To get started, first make sure you have recent versions of Ruby and Middleman installed.

Setup on OSX

For best results, we recommend that you have a ruby development environment set up on your machine. Assuming you are using a mac, Thoughtbot's Laptop Script is an excellent place to start. Using this script removes the need to do any of the steps below. If you plan to set up manually, install the following tools (in this order):

  • Xcode Command-line tools (xcode-select --install), or all of Xcode if running on Mac OSX 10.8 or lower
  • Homebrew package manager ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
  • Rbenv and ruby-build to manage different versions of Ruby
    After install, run rbenv init to setup
    brew install rbenv ruby-build
  • Ruby 2.3.1: rbenv install 2.3.1 (may take some time)
  • Use this version of ruby everywhere with rbenv global 2.3.1
  • Finally, run gem install bundler to install Ruby's Bundler tool. This tool will install the remaining dependencies automatically.

Other Dependencies

To make use of the PDF generation features, install Prince XML. A free version of Prince is available for non-commercial use. If you plan to use this feature commercially, please purchase an appropriate license.

Create a new Project

Create a new project by running this command:

middleman init my_book --template=gettypubs/middleman-book-template

This will create a my_book directory inside the current folder that contains everything you need to get started.


Consider adding this project to version control by running git init inside this folder after initializing.

Useful Commands

Install dependencies:

bundle install

Run the server

bundle exec middleman

Deploy to Github Pages

bundle exec middleman deploy

Build a PDF

bundle exec middleman build -e pdf

Project Structure

Data and Configuration

Add data that describes your book to the /data/book.yml file. This file includes fields for title, author, description, etc.; you are free to add additional fields.


Stylesheets, fonts, images, and JavaScript files go in the /source/assets/ directory. Vendor stylesheets and JavaScripts should go in each of their /vendor/ directories. If you are planning on modifying the theme, take a look at the _variables.scss file in /source/assets/stylesheets/base/.

Content Authoring

Inside the /source/ directory, simply create whatever files you need, using the following format to name them: filename.html.md: The first extension (.html) represents the final format the file will convert to when built; the second extension (.md) represents the templating language being used. Middleman supports a variety of templating languages.


At the beginning of your files, you can define page-specific metadata (frontmatter). More information on how to use this feature is available here.


There is one special frontmatter value to be aware of: this template pays special attention to any files which contain a sort_order value, represented as an integer. Any item that has a sort_order defined becomes a "chapter", meaning it gets picked up by navigational elements and will automatically get included in any PDF generated from the site. Here's an example:

title: Chapter 1
layout: page
author: Getty Publications
sort_order: 1