
NSS exercise - hands on introduction exercise to practice using PostgreSQL and Sequelize

Primary LanguageJavaScript


To get all lifeguards: http://localhost:3000/lifeguards

To get all beaches and assigned lifeguards: http://localhost:3000/beaches

To add a new lifeguard:

  • Send the below to PUT http://localhost:3000/lifeguards:
    "firstName": "FIRSTNAME",
    "lastName": "LASTNAME",
    "location": "CITY, STATE ABBR"

To add a new beach:

  • Send the below to PUT http://localhost:3000/beaches:
    "name": "BEACHNAME",
    "location": "CITY, STATE, COUNTRY",
    "sand_rating": INT
    } ```

To add a new relationship between lifeguards and beaches

  • Send the below to PUT http://localhost:3000/assign-lifeguard:
    "BeachId": INT,
    "LifeguardId": INT
    } ```