NSS Exercise with JavaScript - event listeners focused
- Create an HTML file that has two input fields to accept the two numbers to perform operations on.
- Create 4 buttons to perform each of the basic mathematical functions (add, subtract, multiply, divide).
- In your JavaScript, put an event listener on each of the buttons.
- Copy the code below an implement a basic calculator.
- When the user performs one of the operations, output the result to another DOM element of your choice.
Create a function that multiplies two numbers
passed in as arguments. Return the product.
Create a function that adds two numbers
passed in as arguments. Return the sum.
Create a function that subtracts two numbers
passed in as arguments. Return the difference.
Create a function that divides two numbers
passed in as arguments. Return the quotient.
Create a function that accepts three arguments.
1. First number
2. Second number
3. A function that performs an operation on them
Return the value of the operation.