
Melissa Kinsey's technical writing portfolio, including articles written for Slate and links to projects built for the Columbia University Engineering Full-Stack Boot Camp (2020-2021).

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Techical Writing Portfolio


Welcome to my GitHub! I originally built this portfolio as a homework assignment for the Columbia University Engineering Full-Stack Boot Camp (October 2020-April 2021). I've been a senior technical writer at Amazon (Devices & Services – Alexa) for 2 years, and I've updated this site to highlight some of that more recent work.

Read on to learn about each page.

*Tech Writing: This page features some of my tech writing samples. I've modified certain content to avoid exposing any proprietary company data.

*Portfolio: In addition to tech writing, I've done some hobby writing for Slate and other online sites. The Portfolio page features my Slate stories.

*GitHub Projects: This page features some projects I created during my coding boot camp. The apps are a bit clunky, but not bad for having built each of them in a week, right? The Quarantinis app was a group project.

*Infographics: I enjoy using Photoshop to create infographics. Most of the images on this page appear in Alexa Learning Lab courses. I've also included a couple of UML-style diagrams I created for Spectrum.

*Logos: This page shows the logos I designed for the many team Confluence pages I put together at Bayer Crop Science. I've also included a boot camp logo, an Amazon Confluence page logo, and the header for my Slack channel, #grammar-medics.

*Contact (form): Enough said.


Credit is due to our fabulous Columbia University Boot Camp instructor, teaching assistants, and staff, and to our amazing little "We Got This!" study group (#study-group-1")!

Copyright (c) 2020, Melissa Kinsey