
<Recommender Systems Handbook> is written by Francesco Ricci, Lior Rokach, Bracha Shapira, Paul B. Kantor.
This repository is my reading note for this book.


latest update: 2021.01.11

Status Chapter
✔️ Completed Ch1. Introduction to Recommender Systems Handbook
✔️ Completed Ch2. Data Mining Methods for Recommender Systems
✔️ Completed Ch3. Content-based Recommender Systems: State of the Art and Trends
✏️ InProgress Ch4. A Comprehensive Survey of Neighborhood-based Recommendation Methods
📌 NotStarted Ch5. Advances in Collaborative Filtering
📌 NotStarted Ch6. Developing Constraint-based Recommenders
📌 NotStarted Ch7. Context-Aware Recommender Systems
📌 NotStarted Ch8. Evaluating Recommendation Systems
📌 NotStarted Ch9. A Recommender System for an IPTV Service Provider: a Real Large-Scale Production Environment
📌 NotStarted Ch10. How to Get the Recommender Out of the Lab?
📌 NotStarted Ch11. Matching Recommendation Technologies and Domains
📌 NotStarted Ch12. Recommender Systems in Technology Enhanced Learning
📌 NotStarted Ch13. On the Evolution of Critiquing Recommenders
📌 NotStarted Ch14. Creating More Credible and Persuasive Recommender Systems: The Influence of Source Characteristics on Recommender System Evaluations
📌 NotStarted Ch15. Designing and Evaluating Explanations for Recommender Systems
📌 NotStarted Ch16. Usability Guidelines for Product Recommenders Based on Example Critiquing Research
📌 NotStarted Ch17. Map Based Visualization of Product Catalogs
📌 NotStarted Ch18. Communities, Collaboration, and Recommender Systems in Personalized Web Search
📌 NotStarted Ch19. Social Tagging Recommender Systems
📌 NotStarted Ch20. Trust and Recommendations
📌 NotStarted Ch21. Group Recommender Systems: Combining Individual Models
📌 NotStarted Ch22. Aggregation of Preferences in Recommender Systems
📌 NotStarted Ch23. Active Learning in Recommender Systems
📌 NotStarted Ch24. Multi-Criteria Recommender Systems
📌 NotStarted Ch25. Robust Collaborative Recommendation