
Final project for ITR at GA

Primary LanguageRuby

Welcome to Melissa’s Event Invitation prototype!

Accomplishments: User authentication from scratch, Integration of Omniauth gem, Integration of Bootstrap gem, Mailers: Welcome Email and Invitation Email, Event scaffold with validations, User model with validations, Home page, ImageUploader with CarrierWave, Jquery date and time pickers

Continuing work: I’m working on making the date and time show in more friendly formats. Also, I need to better incorporate the FB login.

Future plans: The next model to build is an Attendee model which will hold RSVPs. I would like to create a reminder mailer to those who have RSVP’d. Maybe one day, I’ll add integration with Facebook Events.

Thanks to Matthew Jording, Steven Nunez, and Matt Newton at GA for their excellent guidance and encouragment!