
Boilerplate to start mern development

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

🚀 Project Boilerplate

The new trainline desktop web app which uses:

  • React
  • Redux
  • Redux-observable (Rxjs)
  • Jest
  • Express
  • ESlint
  • Webpack
  • Storybook-ui

Setup the project for development

git clone https://github.com/jabdul/package-boilerplate.git
npm install

Start the project for development

Concurrently start everything (watch:client, watch:server, start:server)

npm start

or open three terminals and run one command in each

npm run dev:watch-client
npm run dev:watch-server
npm run dev:start-server

then open http://YOUR_COMPUTER_NAME.local:3001 for testing on your local machine or on device.

If for some reason a computer name isn't available, http://localhost:3001 also works.

Run as production

  • TBD

Repo layout

├── build               Compiled app code and assets (not staged in repo)
├── certs
├── config
├── dev-certs
├── jest                Test runner configs
├── src
│   ├── client          Client app (React)
│   ├── server          Server app (API, server side rendering)
│   └── shared          Shared code
└── webpack             Webpack configs, utilities and dev server

Branch naming

All branches should be named in line with their Acunote project ID and ticket number resulting in a listing that looks something like:


Commit messages

Commit messages should make sense to people other than yourself.

Commits should also reference the project name and ticket number as follows:

`DWEB-123: Add title to header`

Code Styleguide



All locale specific language strings should be stored in: locales/en-gb_lang.json

All lcale specific configuration values should be stored in: locales/en-gb_config.json

Function definitions

Function definitions should be fat arrow unless this is impossible for an edge case scoping reason

Import style

Imports should all ES6 style.

Order of imports
  1. External libraries
  2. Internal libraries
  3. Project file
File naming
  • Pascal Case
Function naming
  • Function names should all be camel case
  • Add a dollar suffix if the function returns an observable
Avoid classes to encourage functional programming

Apart from stateful React components and errors, obviously and a few very weird edge cases.



Microservices interfaces
  • All microservices need to have fixture mocks to make it easier to cope with the inevitable changes in the API shapes

Server communication

All endpoints should be accessible through the main api object.

More documentation needed


or if the API gets too large and ends up needing namespacing





Component folders

Folders should be structured as follows:

	Modal.container.tsx // Contains the connect wrapper
Connected component strategy


Event handler functions



All through Aphrodite, and where possible use the predefined styles in ct-components/lib/styles.

Use rem units instead of px assuming a 14px base font size.