Popcorns and Coke is an app designed to give the user access to information about a list of movies, mainly its description, genre, and directors. As a user, you will be able to sign up and log in, in order to access this information. You will also be able to update your user info and add or remove movies from your list of favorites.
- Javascript
- React
- React-Redux
- Parcel
- React-Bootstrap
- Redux
- Clone the project
- Install all dependencies mentioned in package.json
- cd to the project diretory
- Run it by:
$parcel src/index.html
Note: Please make sure you install parcel v2!
- Allows new users to register, and existing users to login/logout
- Allows users to view details about movies, genres and directors
- Users are able to update or delete their profile, aswell as add or remove movies from their list of favorites
You can check the live demo here: