
LINE front-end framework LIFF helper hand

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT


liff-hand is a helper for LINE front-end framefwork (LIFF) to resolve some trouble at hash router (like Vue-router).

It is because LIFF sdk.js need take information in hash, so liff-hand can help you run vue-router correctly.

liff-hand 是一個 LIFF 小幫手用來解決依靠 hash 改變路由的前端套件(例如 Vue-router)正常運作。

How to use ?

1. In the target page, add this code :

<!--Inclue after liff sdk.js -->
<!--在 LIFF SDK 之後載入 liffhand.js -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://d.line-scdn.net/liff/1.0/sdk.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://melixyen.github.io/liff-hand/liffhand.js"></script>
//The liff-hand will append to window.liff.$hand.
//liff-hand 將會附加到 window.liff.$hand 這個位置

If you are using LIFF 2.0, please call liffhand2.js
使用 LIFF 2.0 時請改載入 liffhand2.js 搭配。

<!--Inclue after liff sdk.js -->
<!--在 LIFF SDK 之後載入 liffhand.js -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://static.line-scdn.net/liff/edge/2.1/sdk.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://melixyen.github.io/liff-hand/liffhand2.js"></script>
//The liff-hand will append to window.liff.$hand and window.liffHand .
//liff-hand 將會附加到 window.liff.$hand 以及 window.liffHand這個位置
liffHand.initAll(successFunction, errorFunction, loginConfig, systemConfig);

2. In the link url, use hashpath to take router value.

(Web App 網址) If your LIFF page is


(LIFF 連結) Your LIFF link maybe like


When user click this link, it will fail because hash change to LIFF access token information, Now You can change to:

請將 LIFF 連結的 hash 參數部分放到 GET 參數的 hashpath 值內


Sure, "#/" need use encodeURIComponent to encode to "%23%2F".


And then in the target page, you need call changeHash function after liff initial an app.

然後在 Web App 頁裡,liff.init 的成功 callback 中執行 changeHash。

    //This moment will change hashpath value to location.hash and trigger vue-router.
    //這個執行後就會把 hash 換成 hashpath 參數內容觸發 vue-router

Initial after get profile

liff-hand provide a function for initial then get profile and check the user information then call success function, when it successed, liff.$hand will already get the profile information.

liff-hand 提供一個 initAll 方法幫助您初始化並取得使用者 profile 後才執行 callback。

you can use

    console.info(liff.$hand.profile); //Profile will bind on this node.

Same callback, same error process, just change to use liff.$hand.initAll.

Initial liff 2.0 with auto login

liff-hand V2 provide a function for initial then auto login or do not need login

liff-hand V2 提供的 initAll 方法判斷是否為 Web 而需要自動登入,以是否有帶第三參數決定 init 是否使用 LIFF 2.0。第三參數為 LIFF 2.0 init config,第四參數為 liff-hand 使用。

    console.info(liff.$hand.profile); //Profile will bind on this node.
    autoLogin: true

Go to other page but still use LIFF

Now you can click an hyperlink or use location.href to other page but still use liff sdk. liff.$hand.goto() can hold LIFF status to next page and still with hash router. Just give link a hashpath parameter.

你可以跳到其他頁面但繼續維持 LIFF 的功能,透過 liff.$hand.goto() 可在下一個頁面中保持 LIFF 的狀態。

location.href = "http://balabala.com/next.html?hashpath=%23%2Fabout";
// Change to 

Sure you need initial liff sdk.js and liff-hand at next.html too.



LINE chatbot 台幣匯率機器人

輸入數字金額查價後,將價錢加入筆記本、開啟團購,即為 LIFF Web App 介面。

LIFF 2.0

