
A demo of how to use rollup package javascript file

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

1.Install nvm

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install build-essential libssl-dev  
curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/v0.33.5/install.sh | bash

Windows 10 can go to Windows Store and install Windows Subsystem Linux first.

2.Use NVM install node.js

nvm ls-remote
nvm install @version # of ls-remote
nvm use @version

3.Install by NPM

cd project
npm install

4.Run rollup

npm run umd # //Build AMD CMD Global of js
npm run es # //Build ES Module
npm run iife # //Build browser script tag include directly javascript file

5.Must Check 需改的設定內容


config.input = 'src/main.js'  //-> entry, default use package.json.module change to your main file 預設入口位置
config.output.file = 'dist/fm.js'  //-> Output file name and path 輸出檔案位置及檔名
config.output.format = 'umd'  //-> Output format 輸出格式
config.output.name = 'arrayMath'  //-> Global variable name, change to your name, it will be window.arrayMath 指定輸出的 global name

config.plugins = []  //-> You must add any used plugins in this config, even it on rollup.config.js 設定要裝的套件,包括預設有裝的都要寫一次完整的內容.

config.output.banner = commentString; //commentString will auto read package.json and get name / version / description ... to print on the top banner. 此區域會從 package.json 讀取設定並印到開頭宣告註解內

custom define cli parameter --flag-* (自定義命令參數 --flag-* )

--flag-use-minify  #-> call babel-minify (是否要壓縮 code)
--flag-use-banner  #-> call config.output.banner = commentString; (是否要附帶開頭宣告)

Links (其他說明連結)

Rollup doc