
Turing and Church had a weird son today

Primary LanguageOCaml


Turing Machine

A Turing machine is usually represented as a 4-tuple: $M = (Q, \Sigma, \delta, q_0)$, where:

  • $Q$ is a set of states
  • $\Sigma$ is an alphabet containing two special characters # and >, representing respectively the empty character and a character from which the cursor can be moved only to the right
  • $\delta$ is the transition relation (or partial/total function)
  • $q_0$ is the initial state

However, this representation assumes that the alphabet consists of all the symbols contained in the tape, and that the set containing the states consists exactly of all the states that appear in the definition of the relation function; hence the Turing machine is defined as:

type t_machine  = TM of transition * state;;

That is, as the couple $M = (\delta, q_0)$.


A configuration of the machine consists of:

  • The list of characters that come before the "current character" (i.e. the one the cursor is pointing to)
  • The current character
  • The list of characters that come after the current character.

A configuration may also simply consist of Done.

type config     = Conf of state * character list * character * character list | Done;;

A step takes a configuration as its argument, applies the transition "function" and moves the cursor, returning the new configuration of the machine.